Climate crisis focus of cross-venue exhibit curated by 阿宾顿 艺术 教练

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Byron Wolfe, "Vanished Volcano Visualization Kit" (detail), 2023. Resin-infused native California black oak, 东方白栎, 清晰的树脂, digital pigment prints on linen-mounted bamboo inkjet paper.


阿宾顿,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 艺术 教练 茱莉亚克利夫特第一次涉足策展领域。”看到人类世(StA), 10月上映. 28 in Philadelphia as a cross-venue exhibition that thoughtfully explores the climate crisis and urgent environmental issues through works by a diverse roster of international collaborators.  

“Many works in the show point to the concept that we humans are p艺术 of nature rather than beyond or above it,克利夫说。. “I think it's important for that perspective to spread, culturally, to seed meaningful change. The show is about envisioning a more sustainable future. I want the audience to walk away feeling energized rather than simply despairing.” 

Pieces by 13 sound and visual 艺术ists and scientists as well as an ensemble shed light on the policies, conventions and attitudes that led to the climate crisis and sustain it today. 

There are several unexpected and remarkable elements to the exhibition, including:  

  • 艺术ist Austen Camille’s large-scale augmented reality (AR) animation over the Delaware River will feature live music by the ENAensemble during an opening reception at Philadelphia’s 樱桃街码头 on Nov. 4. 

  • 在老虎撞击小行星的场地, about 2 miles from the 樱桃街码头, visitors will experience the first prototype of "The Immersion Project," a collaboration between 艺术ists and oceanographers that incorporates large-scale coral-inspired sculptures, 基于“增大化现实”技术的动画, and sound into a multisensory installation to educate the public about deep sea ecosystems.   

  • Camille’s AR animation within "The Immersion Project" at Tiger Strikes Asteroid and an evocative collaboration there between a visual and a sound 艺术ist tie the two sites together. 

For Clift, curating StA evolved organically from her distress about the current state of the planet. 

“I felt compelled to say something,”她说。. “It made the most sense to 艺术iculate that 'something' as a conversation between insightful, 深刻的艺术作品. The climate crisis influences my own 艺术istic practice, and I see my paintings as related to all of the works in this show.”

When it came to selecting 艺术ists for StA, Clift chose those whose work she admires and who influence her.  

“I think the 艺术ists who I've had the privilege to work with over the past several years for StA have inspired me to be more fearless and ambitious. I can't wait to get back to the studio and see what emerges after this whole, 强大的经验,”她说。. 

Craft’s personal 艺术 practice and passion for specific 艺术ists and types of 艺术work trickles into her drawing and 艺术 appreciation students at 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校, but she exposes them to a broad array of creators. 

“It's very important that my students are exposed to a wide range of historical and contemporary 艺术ists with diverse 艺术istic objectives. 对于更高级的学生, it's my job to support their own research and help them develop and fulfill their own creative goals,”她说。. 



当: 10月. 28日至12月. 2 

地点: Simultaneously at Tiger Strikes Asteroid, located at 1400 N. 美国圣.,和 樱桃街码头都在费城 


  • 樱桃街码头:11月11日星期六. 4、从6点到8点.m. 下午6点有现场表演.m.  

  • 老虎撞击小行星:11月11日星期四. 9、从6点到9点.m. 


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Regina Broscius